Wednesday 21 November 2012

Skyrim: The Black Star

The Black Star

             Six things to do to complete this quest:
  • Find the elven mage from Aranea's vision. You'll find this guy in the Inn in Winterhold, he's called Nelacar. when you enter the Inn you hear the bar tender talking with him. He will tell you where to find the star, a little about it's history and try to convice you to bring it to him instead of Azura.
  • Find Azura's star. Nelacar will have told you that a mage from the college of Winterhold took it and some students to what is now a sunken fort called "Ilinalta's Deep" this place is located east of Riverwood in the big lake...oh look! map! 

  • Once you're inside there's a crucified skeleton facing you with it's kitbag layed at it's feet inside you'll find a bunch of items, some useful, some not. There is a book in there about the place you've just entered read that for more info. In Ilinata's Deep there are 7 rooms. You'll encounter 6 necromancers of varied levels and 5 skeletons along the way. In and around the place there's some assorted potions and a skill book. Not forgetting some important ingredients for enchanting and cooking. Once you've cleared Ilinalta's Deep theres a door that leads to Ilinalta's Deluge, another 3 rooms with 3 novice necromancers, an adept necromancer and a necromage. These are in turn accompanied by skeletons as well. At the top of the stairs in the final room you'll find the star at the feet of a skeleton.
  • Now its up to you at this point. Take the star to Nelacar or take it back to Azura. I took it back to Azura and she says that the star needed to be cleansed in order for me to use it. So Azura puts you inside the star to kill this bloke Malyn Varen... best way to do this is to ignore the rest of the dummy mages he lays in front of you and head straight for him. I used unrelenting force to catch up with him. After killing him survive for a bit longer then Azura brings you out and the star is yours to keep and use as a soul gem.

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