Tuesday 20 November 2012


             Ok so, hi! and welcome to Games Sports Tech and Film probably not the only blog covering those four topics but nobody can cover everything right?

             Firstly, lets take you through what games I'm playing at the moment.

The Elder Scroles: Skyrim (PS3)
FIFA 13 (standard choice for killing time) (PS3)
Fallout 3 (PS3)
            Both Fallout and Skyrim I've started and well into the game so I'll be posting help on a mission by mission basis stuff I find along the way etc etc.
            Games I'm looking at getting:
Assassin's Creed 3 (PS3)
Dishonored (PS3)
EVE Online (PC) I already have a character just not committed to it yet
Mech Warrior Online (PC) Need a new PC before I can run this =(

             Sports. I play football 4 times a week only 7 a side but still it keeps me active =)
On here though I'll be keeping as up to date as possible with all the sports I take an interest in. Heres what you can expect:
Formula 1
...and some rugby

            Tech. All the gadgets and gizmos me and my friends use. Good points/Bad points
An finally Film and TV. What I'm watching at the time. Film reviews etc.
           At the moment I'm watching loads of stuff so look out for it. Just to name a couple of my favourites would be:
The Walking Dead (currently mid season 3)
Game Of Thrones (waiting on the next season. which is next March btw)
...and more.

Also I'm a big dance music fan so I'll be posting stuff about what I've been listening to. I have a lot of podcasts to listen to so watch out for recommendations. Just a couple of names so you know what to expect from me:
Above and Beyond
Claudia Cazacu

So if you are reading keep doing so, it might be worthwhile

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